Quarter 1 CTE Math Practice Files
Laptop Files:
CODAP Website: https://codap.concord.org/app/static/dg/en/cert/index.html
Sample Task
Data File Download: Other Job Data
Scribe (These are instructions for how you should import the data and use CODAP to find information):
Chromebook Files:
CODAP Website: https://codap.concord.org/app/static/dg/en/cert/index.html
Sample Task
Google Sheets file: Other Job Data
Scribe (These are instructions for how you should import the data and use CODAP to find information):
CODAP Website: https://codap.concord.org/app/static/dg/en/cert/index.html
Sample Task
Data File Download: Other Job Data
Scribe (These are instructions for how you should import the data and use CODAP to find information):
Chromebook Files:
CODAP Website: https://codap.concord.org/app/static/dg/en/cert/index.html
Sample Task
Google Sheets file: Other Job Data
Scribe (These are instructions for how you should import the data and use CODAP to find information):